Thursday, March 19, 2020

THE SYMBOLIC Essays - Virtue, Christian Ethics, Ethics, Philosophy

THE SYMBOLIC Essays - Virtue, Christian Ethics, Ethics, Philosophy THE SYMBOLIC REPRESENTATION OF PRUDENCE Val. Ed. I 7-Jade Submitted by: THE ALLEGORY OF PRUDENCE The lady prudential is the symbol and representation of the virtue prudence, she is depicted with a book that symbolizes wisdom, representing the ability to draw from a large source of knowledge and judging when to do which action, and a long writhing snake being crushed in her one hand to represent the ability of prudence to seek the truth and crush the false wisdom and deception represented on the snake. Another version of the lady prudence also has her holding a mirror, as prudence is clear sighted and looks at reflections of what is instead of what might be, in other words the truth about one's self and one's surroundings are reflected clearly, and a scroll which, along as also representing similar features to the book, symbolizes records of the past and using them today and learning from our experiences.

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